Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Off on my journeys I begin first stop Auckland! Well actually I hit up mangawhai for a couple days first to relax in the sun and do some fishing. Caught some massive snapper and got waisted as on a boat (which is not a good idea as sea sickness on top of being drunk isn't fun!). Driving around Mangawhai was a nightmare! Not so much the traffic but the beautifully windy downhill roads with clear traffic. and worst of all... Gravel. But don't think for a second that this stopped me trying to bomb... It didn't work out so well and the first corner i went around my wheels slipped out and went into a rock wall. Lesson learned.

As I head to auckland I see some great bombs on the motorway and I contemplate getting out in rush hour traffic to try and bomb. Maybe save that for another day... Being sick for a couple days before auckland I meet up with thomas horne for a quick session on constitution hill. This hill is crazy and it came to no suprise that most of theme wouldn't start from the top. Hairpin into hairpin into hairpin into hairpin (and so on for about 4 more) crazy steep, crazy awesome. Sickness getting the better of me I called it quits. Waking up the next day to skate with more of the auckland crew and meeting some of the boys that came down from raglan. Hitting up conhill again with the bunch and then hitting up some fun carparks with 6 people racing to the bottom (unfortunatly no one got hurt :P). Bombing queens st was pretty sweet waiting for gaps in the traffic so we could bomb without getting hit or yelled at by motorist. Getting to the bottom was sweet cause there was nothing cooler than busting a mad coleman to a crowd of about 60 people crossing the street. (scaring around half of the :P)

check out the video

Now off to Chicago

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

The weeks before my big move!

Wow... The past couple weeks leading up to my big move overseas I've been shredding it up with new people and hitting some crazy downhill. It's good to know that the Wellington Longboard scene is finally growing! I just hope that it continues to grow!

Wellington Monday Outlaws! I think it's about time we started doing some racing and what better time to do this than on monday evenings! Roads are dead quiet and no one has got plans on monday nights so it should be perfect! 5 dollar winner takes all but side bets are encouraged! think u can beat someone? wanna bet your board? ur wheels? do it! chuck it up on the lines and get our racing!

Packing up all my stuff is a bit of a drag but the excitment is setting in! I've got a new board from Uglie Carnie! It's a sweet board with a custom concave unique to every Uglie Carnie board.

Specs are
Flush mount - 40mm drop
bamboo core
glass skins with fabric overlay
800mm wheel base
10inch wide
deep concave with light w hump full length of footpan
cotton finish

Sound's soo sweet! can't wait to be repping NZ brands in vancouver and at the races around the board!

I've convinced a bunch of kiwis to meet me in vancouver so hopefully we can someday have a kiwi flat in van! Also getting a big van to lug my ass around when i get to america and plan on road tripping around in it skating with locals from everytown.

But this is all about a year away... let me get some money first :P



oh check out my new videos I've made! (working on the editing...)

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Valentines Day Massacre

Wow what an epic weekend! Had people from all around NZ come down for the Wellington Valentines Day Outlaw. Everyone arrived in Wellington on friday so we decided to head down to the water front to show them the town. When we arrived at the train station I waited for 2 lovely skater chicks and hit some car parks with them because the city was all rainy!!! oh well showed the how to slide in the rain! After about 2 hours of riding car parks and watching the hilarious skating from team london my legs were worn out :(

After a good clean of the house to prepare for the valentines day party we headed out for another night of skating! We headed up to Mt Albert Road for a couple test runs before the race and we had a head wind like no other, making the road painfully slow. After a couple other skate spots around wellington we headed home to get some sleep before the race.

After getting to bed at around 3am and waking up at 9am to prepare for the race i was a little upset to be woken up to lite rain and gale force winds! but did this stop us... no we headed to the race course! meeting a couple riders we started to do a couple heats but the head wind from the night before matured to nearly blowing riders off their boards. After a couple more runs the rain picked up so we called off the race. Heading back to the house the weather still was pretty crappy but sith the crip decided to take a different way and head up to the top of the wind turbine (which no one could see as it was covered with clouds). When we got up there we were stoked to find the roads were dry in enough spots to avoid them and continue skating! After an hour or so we headed out for lunch with everyone exhausted from the skate. On the way home we went down brooklyn where ash had the crazy wobbles heading into a fast dipping corner with heaps of traffic on the other side of the road! 9pm rolls around and the drinking begins with games of circle of death bringing the party to a nice state of inebriation. The rest is a blur.

11am arrives way too quickly! i wake up to find a couple people crashing on the couches and fail to find the airhorn to wake them (lucky for them). We all meet at the waitangi skatepark for a fun filled day of skating. After an hour or so skating a corner we do nearly every week the cops show up to blame us on a dent in a car. After realizing that none of us had caused it as the dent was way too big and no one was limping he let us off. We got in the car and headed up mount victoria for a day of bombing! I don't drive and walk up everyhill i plan on skating down it was a relief to have some fresh legs while i was coming down some steep hills. yet still even with the fresh legs a bail is not too far away as i head head first into an coming car as i miss judge a corner.

It was a great weekend and thanks to everyone that joined us! I hope you had as much fun as we did.