Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Off on my journeys I begin first stop Auckland! Well actually I hit up mangawhai for a couple days first to relax in the sun and do some fishing. Caught some massive snapper and got waisted as on a boat (which is not a good idea as sea sickness on top of being drunk isn't fun!). Driving around Mangawhai was a nightmare! Not so much the traffic but the beautifully windy downhill roads with clear traffic. and worst of all... Gravel. But don't think for a second that this stopped me trying to bomb... It didn't work out so well and the first corner i went around my wheels slipped out and went into a rock wall. Lesson learned.

As I head to auckland I see some great bombs on the motorway and I contemplate getting out in rush hour traffic to try and bomb. Maybe save that for another day... Being sick for a couple days before auckland I meet up with thomas horne for a quick session on constitution hill. This hill is crazy and it came to no suprise that most of theme wouldn't start from the top. Hairpin into hairpin into hairpin into hairpin (and so on for about 4 more) crazy steep, crazy awesome. Sickness getting the better of me I called it quits. Waking up the next day to skate with more of the auckland crew and meeting some of the boys that came down from raglan. Hitting up conhill again with the bunch and then hitting up some fun carparks with 6 people racing to the bottom (unfortunatly no one got hurt :P). Bombing queens st was pretty sweet waiting for gaps in the traffic so we could bomb without getting hit or yelled at by motorist. Getting to the bottom was sweet cause there was nothing cooler than busting a mad coleman to a crowd of about 60 people crossing the street. (scaring around half of the :P)

check out the video

Now off to Chicago

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